The Causes Of Scoliosis and Treatment

Scoliosis develops mainly in adolescents, and it is the sideways curvature of the spine. In most cases, it remains mild with a few symptoms. But, some may experience severe symptoms, and it needs treatment. Scoliosis is the sideways curvature of the spine. Children suffering from severe scoliosis may experience disabling pain. Chiropractic care proves to be a great option for treating scoliosis. Spine adjustment can align bones and muscles perfectly and improve your health conditions. You can contact Dr Brian Nantais for your chiropractic care. He is an experienced chiropractor to treat your health conditions. If you have any pain-related issues, please consult with our chiropractor.  

American Chiropractic Association reveals that up to seven million Americans have the scoliosis issue. If the curvature of the spine increases, it causes other complications also. So, it needs treatment, and chiropractic care proves to be a great option for your health. It is an alternative treatment approach that relies on the adjustment of the spine and bones. If you need other details of chiropractic care, you can visit Elevation Health and meet Nantais Family Chiropractic.

Signs and symptoms of scoliosis are:

  1. Uneven shoulder
  2. One-shoulder blade appears more prominent than other
  3. Uneven waist

The causes of scoliosis:

The causes of scoliosis are hard to determine. Heredity is the common factor of scoliosis because the disorder runs in families. 

  1. Neuromuscular conditions like cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy 
  2. Birth defects that affect the development of bones
  3. Surgery on the chest wall in your childhood
  4. Injuries and infections of the spine
  5. Spinal cord abnormalities

Risk factors:

There are a few risk factors that develop the condition. 

  1. Age: it develops in the adolescent most
  2. Sex: studies prove that girls have a higher risk to develop scoliosis than boys.
  3. Family history: scoliosis may pass from generation to generation.

Those who have scoliosis experience some health complications that need immediate treatment for their health. The common health issues are:

  1. Breathing problem: the rib cage presses against the lung, causing difficulty breathing.
  2. Back problems: people suffering from scoliosis have chronic back pain.

A chiropractor has detailed knowledge of musculoskeletal issues, conditions, and disorders. A chiropractor offers comprehensive treatment for your health. He/she strengthens your body’s core and improves your nervous system. 

A chiropractor with their adjustment technique decreases pressure from your nervous system. He/she also recommends preventive care to take care of your health. Meet Nantais Family Chiropractic to know more about your health. 

  1. You will learn ways to move and rest.
  2. Strengthening exercises to make your joints strong.
  3. You will learn ways to stay active.

Remember that scoliosis is difficult to notice in the early stage. You need to take care of your spine, and chiropractic care is the right solution for your health. If you want to know more about pain management systems, you can contact Dr Brian Nantais. He is an experienced doctor for treating your health. Please visit us to know more. 

Scoliosis is the sideways curvature of the spine. A healthy spine also has curves at the top of the shoulder and the lower back.
