Important Things To Avoid If You Have Scoliosis

If you are experiencing a sideways curvature in your spine, you may have scoliosis. This health condition can cause pain and discomfort; sometimes, you must run to a healthcare professional to ease your pain. But traditional treatment can be risky sometimes. If you want to avoid the risks of surgery, you must opt for chiropractic treatment by Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada.

It is essential to mention that scoliosis is not curable but treatable. It is a highly variable condition, meaning each patient will experience it differently. So the treatment for scoliosis has to be effective enough to support the situation for each patient. Nantais Family Chiropractic offers the best chiropractic treatment that caters to the needs of every patient. Contact Elevation Health, Canada, today for effective chiropractic treatment of scoliosis. There are some things to avoid if you have scoliosis, which can worsen the situation.

Let’s have a detailed discussion about some of them:-

  1. Looking down at your phone
  2. Lifting heavy objects
  3. Certain exercises
  4. One-sided / impact sports
  5. Shoes that don’t provide much support

Looking down at your phone:

Are you always glued to your phone? Then you must know you have some adverse effect on your spine when you bend your neck forward to look down at your smartphone (a posture frequently referred to as “text neck”).

You can contact Dr Brian Nantais at Elevation Health, Canada, for your posture correction or even to treat scoliosis.

Lifting heavy objects:

As you lift heavy objects, you strain your spine, and if it already curves to one side, the added pressure might accentuate the curve.

Scoliosis patients should make an effort to avoid lifting large objects by themselves. Ask someone else to help you carry a heavy load if you have to do so.

Certain exercises:

Exercise is a crucial ally in fighting against scoliosis. But sometimes, stretches and workouts can harm your health when you have a curved spine.

Nantais Family Chiropractic advises avoiding high-impact exercises like jumping and running to relax your spine.

One-sided / impact sports:

For this reason, Dr Brian Nantais advises people with scoliosis to avoid sports like rugby, hockey, and lacrosse. Golf and racket sports like tennis and badminton are examples of one-sided sports. These sports can cause more damage to your spine. So avoiding these sports can help to get some relief.

Shoes that don’t provide much support:

It’s crucial to look for shoes to provide your body with the required support. Both very flat shoes, like flip-flops and high heels, can strain your back greatly. Wear shoes with good arch support whenever possible (orthotics and insoles can assist with this).

Closing Words

Avoiding the things mentioned above can help you reduce scoliosis’s severity. By following these, you can maintain good spine health to manage scoliosis symptoms and prevent further progression. If you want help from an expert, consider the best chiropractor, Dr Brian Nantais, at Elevation Health, Canada, for the best chiropractic adjustments for scoliosis. Our scoliosis treatment aims to lessen the pain of the condition. Over the years, we have had some incredibly heartwarming successes. Contact us today.

Scoliosis is the sideways curvature of the spine. A healthy spine also has curves at the top of the shoulder and the lower back.
